2007년 10월 30일 화요일

Week 9 change and continuity

1.3.1 introduction & 1.3.2 measuring newness

polarised oer the degree of new media's newness
revolutionary->historical perspective
business as user

Measuring ' newness '
Which one is new or old?
we need to establish from what previous states thing have changed
revolution= innovation, more aggressive

Three possibilities
1. How can we know that new thing is made from?
2. Familiar thing , Lose our curiosity, Stop to ask question
3. Interactivity

I think newness develop creative from previous thing.
but newness need to combine old thing.
between old thing and new thing have similarities to continue.
new thing is too new and innovative to use.
because we spend a lot of time learning to use it.

2007년 10월 28일 일요일

Week 8 the characteristics of new media 3

1.2.6 which virtual reality?
1.2.7 cyberspace & 1.2.8 conclusion

Immersive VR


A future scenario
-virtual actors of synthespians
-computing power and bandwidth
-technological imaginary

embodiment (ID=identity)

-sensory (my exprience )
-connectivity (world network)

2007년 10월 23일 화요일

Week 8 the characteristics of new media 3

1.2.5 virtuality

-Virtual= Virtual Reality = VR
=Augmented(high up the feeling) Reality
=Mixed Reality

The immersive, interactive experiences provided by now, forms of image and simulation technology

ex) second life = buy house, clothes. using real money. online community, cyber space.
VR in computer technology.
VR in aviation technology.
VR in medical technology.

-problem of VR's future
interface is MAC.

our part. we felt different by our experience.
physical distance is no problem anymore in computer screen.

2007년 10월 11일 목요일

Week 6 the characteristics of new media 2

1.2.4 dispersal

Dispersal is the product(It's not a real product) of shifts in out ralationships

-Mass media and new media
Differentiated audience is no longer a mass audience
-the multiplicity(can be multiply, various use) of message (e-mail, gesture)and source(magazine,web,TV)
-Difference between centralised and dipersed media distribution systems
radio broadcast network, computer network

-The traditional boundaries and definitions between different media processes are breaking down
-consumption meets production
prosumer marketing
prosumer= produce + comsumer

Week 6 the characteristics of new media 2

1.2.3 hypertext

hypertext=floating over technical word
hyper means extraordinary, signified.

Hypertext as non-sequentail writing.

ex) The memex (a portmanteau of "memory extender") is the name given by Vannevar Bush to the theoretical proto-hypertext computer system he proposed in his 1945 The Atlantic Monthly article "As We May Think". The memex has influenced the development of subsequential hypertext and intellect augmenting computer systems.
From Wikipedia

Hypertext as the practice of literaty theory
- comtemporaly literary -novel.
- what is the basic for cultural production(=hypertext)?
becuase of non- sequentail writing.
-principle of hypertextuality is key to understand new media.

Dadaism(they reject to traditional)---->Surrealism
Balzac - s/z

I was surprised by the concept of Vannevar Bush's Memex.
I was also impressed that he came up with these ideas in the 1940.
Dadaism is rejecting to traditonal.
balzac's novel, s/z say one meaning could be different in inside and outside.
I think breaking and opposing traditional things bring innovative ideas.

2007년 10월 4일 목요일

Week 5 the characteristics of new media 1

1.2.2 interactivity

some ideological dimensions of interactivity

A whole new world
- intstrumental view of interactivity
user's ability ---> not viewer, reader
instrumental definitions and ideological meaning
Hypertextual navigation
- construct for him or herself an individaulised text
- immursive navigation
two pradigms of interaction
- registrational interactivity
'write back into' text
input and writing book
- interactive communications
- interactivity creitical questions
problem of interpretation (when we read it we misunderstand )
problem of definition (fluidity of text, stability of text)
problem of producers( hacking)

We learn the meaning of 'interactivity'.
I often hear the word, 'interactivity'.
But I didn't know that meaning exactly and confuse the meaning of 'feedback'.
Feedback is a process has input and output. We expect to process by seeing output and looping within itself.
On the other hand, Interactivity has communication.
Interactivity is interactive communication
For example, 'Web TV' advertise differently according to comsumer's living.
then, It will react to level of comsumer effectively.
But It is ideological to person's valus.
Interactivity is changing than before.
If we take part in communication actively, our living is more fluid.

2007년 10월 2일 화요일

Week 5 the characteristics of new media 1

what are new media? 2
1.1.5 Distinguishing between kinds of new media

1. What is new media?
not simple, clear
2. Schema
textual experience
new kind of genre
new way of representing the world
immersive virtual environment
screen based on interactive multimedia (displayphone, internet)
new experience relationship between embodiment, identity and community ( msn)

How can we experience media?
we feel, think, touch , etc. there are many production.

3. Production
computer-mediated communication
new way of distributing and consuming media texts characterized by interactivity and hypertext formats ---> virtual reality

textuality <--- text= concept meaning new way of experience understanding connotation (abstract concept, metaphysical)

the characteristics of new media 1
1.2.1 digitality

what does 'Digital' mean?
Analogue & Digital

When you try showing a consecutive phenomenon digitally

Analogue = light,sound,waves,etc (input date) ---------> Binary numeric form = Digital

digital technology
embrace all areas involved art
can modify
visual literacy
fluid,ever-changing universe that existe inside computer

we know the fact that when we lead our own sight, each has a different opionion.
What important thing is my own point of view like Kant's suggestion.
It can be connected with 'Visual Literacy'.
Because it has a flexibility.
For this reason, Although people play the same games, each person has a different level of immersiveness.
I think level of immersiveness is different for each person because of having been experienced differently
.So It is important to have subject between media and I.
Nowaday we have relpy culture. We express our idea freely and fast and communicate with internet user even I never know.