2007년 10월 4일 목요일

Week 5 the characteristics of new media 1

1.2.2 interactivity

some ideological dimensions of interactivity

A whole new world
- intstrumental view of interactivity
user's ability ---> not viewer, reader
instrumental definitions and ideological meaning
Hypertextual navigation
- construct for him or herself an individaulised text
- immursive navigation
two pradigms of interaction
- registrational interactivity
'write back into' text
input and writing book
- interactive communications
- interactivity creitical questions
problem of interpretation (when we read it we misunderstand )
problem of definition (fluidity of text, stability of text)
problem of producers( hacking)

We learn the meaning of 'interactivity'.
I often hear the word, 'interactivity'.
But I didn't know that meaning exactly and confuse the meaning of 'feedback'.
Feedback is a process has input and output. We expect to process by seeing output and looping within itself.
On the other hand, Interactivity has communication.
Interactivity is interactive communication
For example, 'Web TV' advertise differently according to comsumer's living.
then, It will react to level of comsumer effectively.
But It is ideological to person's valus.
Interactivity is changing than before.
If we take part in communication actively, our living is more fluid.

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