2007년 12월 11일 화요일

Week 15 closing discussion

1.6.5 conclusion: the extent of the 'extensions of man'

1.aesthetic object
from material to abtract idea
ideological shift
Fountain-Marcel Duchamp
discursive field

2. new aesthetic object
interactive art
1900s- on line newsgroups and emails
2000s- digital media dased , interactive-HCI, graphic, vision, networking, immateriality-VR,AR,MR, out of orginality
suboversive paradigm of fire art: artwork without artist

3.appleid media artwork

I think each person's value is various and different and evetything has value.
value going to be change again and again.
aesthetic is very interesting feild.
It is informed for us to change media and idea classfied period.

2007년 12월 5일 수요일

Week 14 new media: determining or determined? 2

1.6.4 the many virtues of Sant McLuhan

1. The extension thesis: technology is an ‘extension of man’
It is clearly based in the nature of human body.
The core of the idea is that instruments extend the functions of the labouring body.

2. The environmental thesis: ‘the new media are not bridges between man and nature: they are nature’
Ex: The workman’s tool is the continuation of his arms, the tool-equipment of humanity is therefore a continuation of its body.

3. The anti-content thesis: ‘Societies have always been shaped more by the nature of the media by which men communicate than by content of the communication

: Societies have always been shaped more by nature of the media by which men communicate than by content of communication.

I agree with Mucluhan's idea.
When We recognize changed media We think different idea from original to changed media.
So media has thier message.

2007년 12월 3일 월요일

Week 14 new media: determining or determined? 2

1.6.2 mapping Marshall McLuhan and Williams
1.6.3 Williams and the social shaping of technology

A narrative of redemption
-Primitive culture
-Literate culture
1.words 2.drawing,figures, pictures
-Mechanical printing
-Electric media

: McLuhan's view of media as technological extensions

-story telling came out
context is changed by different view of thinking

The medium is the message
- any medium is another medium which pick up and work out

Human agency versus technological determination
- you specialized in specific part
- go back to primitive
ex) emoticon
- cycling take a step forward

popularization is transferred.
Because people admitted comment and opinion view from many different point.
Between Marshall McLuhan and Williams have different idea.
Marshall McLuhan said a society is changed by people.
Williams said people is changed by a society.
I think that is not important and really important thing is our living is changing and we are suited to new thing and using it efficiently.

Week 13 new media: determining or determined? 1

1.6.1 the status of McLuhan and Williams

New media: determining or determined?

Very different theorists of media
- Marshall McLuhan & Raymond Williams

The Different between McLuhan and Williams
- McLuhan : new media change everything.
- Williams : media can only take effect through already present social processes and sustain
existing power relations.

The status of McLuhan and Williams
Marshall McLuhan’s major works.
- “The medium is the message” clothes is an extension of skin, a wheel is an extension of foot, a book is an extension of eyes, electricity is an extension of the central nerve.
- “global village”
Raymond Williams’s major works.
-the research direction to popular culture like movies and television.
-Countless detailed studies of all kinds of media are guided and informed by his careful and penetrating outlines for a theory of media as a form of cultural production.
-new media as subject to control and direction by human institutions, skill, creativity and intention, we are building upon such a williamsite emphasis.

- lrecurring tendency in Western thought.

What is high art and low art??
Who is determined ?
I think it is popular between high and low art's difference.
popular culture is central.
for example movie is popular culture and marginal but it is studied by many people.
It has many theoris.
So movie is going to cental culture.

Week 13 new media: determining or determined? 1

1.5.5 the return of the Frankfurt school critique in the popularisation of new media & conclusion

Why the Frankfurt School?
- Produced first critical perspectives on mass media and popular
- Theories & methods - important aspect of the development of the study of popular culture

The ‘culture industry’, the end of democratic participation and critical distance the Frankfurt School?
- mass media & popular culture served to maintain existing social authority & manipulate mass audience into obedience trivialization, commercialization and centralization of culture and communications from For Frankfurt School point of view.
- Fascism and Stalinism which demonstrated the power of mass harnessed to totalitarianism.
trivializing the content of communication or political indoctrination which inculcate people with capitalism and standardize movie, music and so on, they were seen as threats to democracy and the informed critical participation of the masses in cultural and social life.

The Brechtian avant-garde and lost opportunities
-Bertolt Brecht
The Radio as an Apparatus of Communication
It is media for Brecht that not only the tools of technology but also the way of reconstruction which help understand social recognition.
-Walter Benjamin
Benjamin ideas mean much to modern society.
The Work of Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction is his masterpiece in 1926.
Benjamin roots his argument in noticing some of the distinctive characteristics of these media and he had optimistic estimations of new media

I explain Walter Benjamin‘s aspect of mass media between Frankfurt school and Benjamin discover an important different. Frankfurt school assumed a critical attitude toward mass culture on the other hand, Benjamin recognized in the affirmative.
the disavowal of the history of new media thus appears as an ideological sleight of hand that recruits us to their essential value but fails to help us understand what is happening around us.

Week 12 who was dissatisfied with old media?

1.5.3 the discursive construction of new media & conclusion

What is 'Discourse'?

Discourse is spoken or written communication between people, especially serious discussion of a particular subject.

-Post -structuralist
language does not merely describe a pre-given(there are come object. every object have one's name. we give the name) reality

Elavorated system of languege (conversations, theories, argements, descriptions)-----evolve---->Social projects

-A sense of tepetition in how media change
critical point

-Determine the kind of media
handmade images and still photographic images from film and cinema
-> theatrical spectacles -> the appearance of panorama or diorama theater
-> technological visual culture -> problem : What is real?
There is antecedents int play in late 19th

Discourse is spoken or written communication between people, especially serious discussion of a particular subject.
We are influenced by visual culture.
This is object not conceptual but physical.
The thing is most people like become culture.
visual culture is changing fast.
for example, Wed 2.0 is discoursed.
Changing better than before, Wed 2.0 is new.
So many people is using and liking, It will become our culture.

Week 11 what kind of history? 2

1.4.4 a sense of deja vu & conclusion
New media have caused several media
-historians to record sense of Dejavu
-technophilia like, love technology
Existing body of media history
-literacy, printing, press, book, photography( coming of book the birth of photography)
-film and TV,music
ethnographic & historical research
Hegel : He made lecture and books
memory --> words --> visual --> book